John is a professional photographer who has lived in Kenilworth since 1966. He has served as a County, District and Town Councillor and was elected Chairman of Warwickshire County Council in 2019. He has served on Kenilworth Town Council for nearly 20 years and is Chairman of the William Edwards and Knowle Hill Charities. He has been a South Warwickshire Health Authority Member and also chaired both the Central Area Youth and Adult Education Committee and the Coventry & Warwickshire Telecom Advisory Committee. He has served as a Governor of both Kenilworth and Priors Field Schools.
He is looking forward to using his long planning experience to help shape the future of the Town & District, including the rural areas of the division during all the new development outlined in the District Local Plan. He is ensuring that the development plan for Eastern Kenilworth is implemented effectively. He knows that traffic management should be paramount when considering forthcoming developments particularly the new Kenilworth School. John has helped residents with problems including planning, council housing, fly-tipping, traffic, parking and trading standards issues. More recently, he has dealt with potholes, blocked gullies and particularly in the rural areas, a large number of speeding complaints. John understands the importance of Parish Councils and works closely with them attending all of their meetings where possible and always submitting reports when not.