Malcolm was elected to Stratford District Council, as the Councillor for Tysoe, in May 2023.
He has served as a local Parish Councillor at Tysoe Parish Council for several years and Malcolm is a strong believer in supporting the needs of the local electorate and especially interested in supporting young adults in being able to continue to live in the small towns and villages where they grew up. The protection of this ambition in local people strengthens the feeling of community and builds pride in belonging to and respecting and protecting the local society and environment.
Malcolm studied at the Royal Navy College in Dartmouth and gained his degree in Chemistry and Material Science whilst at Rolls Royce Derby as a reliability and Commercial Engineer. He has also worked for GKN Technical Centre Wolverhampton as well as other international businesses, which has enabled him to work globally in Europe, Africa, China, South East Asia, USA, and Latin America including Mexico.